Who is authentic? How do they become so? Is being a phony the opposite? What are the benefits of being authentic to the person, their friends and colleagues as they become more authentic?
Dick’s guest is Barbara Hummel who has led workshops for 12 years for the Center for Courage & Renewal. She is also the former director of the Madison Area Quality Improvement Network, which helped businesses and organizations improve their quality and systems thinking.
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The internet is an integral part of our everyday lives. Yet the key question is how has the internet affected us psychologically both in positive and negative ways.
Dick’s guest, Morton Ann Gernsbacher is Vilas Research Professor and the Sir Frederic C. Bartlett Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Do New Year resolutions work? Are they worth the bother? Is there a better way to get your life on track?
Dick’s guest, Patricia Clason, has been leading workshops for corporate clients and the State of Wisconsin for 30 years on how to get your life organized and actualized. She has written and conducted workshops on life management, time management and finding your life purpose.
Is there a specific profile for a school shooter? Why do they do it? What can be done to diminish the likelihood of these school shooting massacres in the future?
Dick’s guest, forensic psychologist, prolific author on predators and sex offenders and consultant to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections Dr. Anna Salter, shares thoughts from her recent presentation on school shooters.
“What’s different now is that access to information for making bombs is so readily available on the Internet,” Salter said. “Also, it’s easy to get access to more and more powerful weapons, (so) the body count is going up.”
For more information on this topic or Dr. Anna Salter, please visitwww.annasalter.com
(Photo by RJ Sangosti/The Denver Post via Getty Images)
There has been a growing acceptance of the use of psychedelics to treat depression, anxiety and PTSD when traditional therapies provide no improvements. What is hype and what is real?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Matthew Banks is a Professor of Anesthesiology and Affiliate Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health in Madison, Wisconsin.
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The pain of having a toxic parent doesn’t end when you grow up. What is a toxic parent? How can the adult child end or reduce the suffering a toxic parent can inflict?
Dick’s guest, Lesa Fischer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Madison, Wisconsin.
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The #MeToo movement took off after the investigation and prosecution of Harvey Weinstein and with it the reaction to sexual violence and harassment changed dramatically.
Men tend to be less open and expressive about their feelings than women. That can sometimes create a challenge in their marriage. When men are depressed that can add additional stress on their relationship.
Dick’s guest, Steven Blank is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin.
One of the most important contributing factors for the quality of relationships and good mental health is good social skills.
Dick’s guest, Dr. Chris Segrin, is a Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Arizona whose specialty is interpersonal relationships and mental health.
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Should you hire previously incarcerated people? Employers may be missing out on valued staff as there are over 2 million previously incarcerated Americans. Yet, there are reasons to be careful and cautious.
Dick’s guest, Linda Ketcham is the Executive Director of Just Dane which helps individuals and families involved in the criminal justice system.
The quality of our relationships with family and close friends may be the biggest contributor to contentment but how important is the quality of social ties with people not part of the family and close friends group?
Dick’s guest is award-winning journalist Melinda Blau, who has written several books on the importance of quality relationships including “Consequential Strangers.”
Can you be spiritual if you are not religious? Is spirituality possible if you are an atheist? What is spirituality and how can it enhance your life?
Dick’s guest, Elizabeth Schrimpf, is a Licensed Professional Counselor practicing in Madison, Wisconsin. She at times will use the aspect of spirituality in her practice and in her personal life.
The newer career of intimacy coordinator was created to help ensure the well being of actors during sex scenes in theater, films and television. What does coordinating intimacy actually mean? How is it done?
Dick’s guest, Simone LaPierre has a background in choreography, acting, directing and producing. She has recently become an intimacy coordinator on sets as well as being a family therapist.
Is American men’s mental health worse than American women’s? Men commit suicide 3 1/2 times more frequently. Men are less likely to seek treatment for addiction or mental health disorders like depression. Do these things relate to the fact that life expectancy of men is 5.8 years less than women?
Are there any differences between men and women on how they budget, save, spend and invest their money? Is there anything unique women need to learn about managing their finances?
Dick’s guest, Linda Lepe is Director of Personal Finance at the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
(Use alternative text to improve accessibility online. The description provided is the alternative text written by the person in the photo to describe themselves.)
Strong successful women looking for love are finding it harder to make an appropriate match. Why is this? How can these women find the partner of their dreams?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Sandy To is a sociologist with a PhD from the University of Cambridge who writes and speaks globally about women’s partner choices on TV, radio, podcasts, and seminars. She is the author of the acclaimed book, China’s Leftover Women: Late Marriage among Professional Women and its Consequences (Routledge), and she has been featured in numerous media outlets such as the BBC, CNN, TIME, Financial Times, Telegraph, and South China Morning Post.
You can find out more about Dr. Sandy To’s book, articles and latest news on her website: sandyto.com.
Resilience is adapting to hardships, adversity and tough turns in life. All of us will be faced with these events in our lives. Some are small, some are very significant. Our mental health, our usefulness and the quality of our lives is greatly enhanced by becoming skilled at resilience and recovery.
Dick’s guest is Patricia Clason. A professional speaker since 1975, Patricia has created over 50 workshops, speeches, and
keynote presentations highlighting the skills of Emotional Intelligence. Patricia brings energy, enthusiasm and expertise to her speaking engagements and training sessions – so they’re fun and highly informative. A host for both radio and television interview shows for ten years, plus her extensive background in business and education, Patricia makes strong connections with participants from private, public and non-profit sector organizations, as well as associations. Emotional Intelligence is at the core of all of her work, helping people develop their self awareness and social awareness skills to build collaborative relationships personally and professionally.
Since 2006, there have been over 600 mass shootings in the United States, resulting in more than 3,000 murders. Why these large numbers? Who are these mass shooters? How can we intelligently address this issue?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Richard LaBrie is a Clinical Psychologist who specializes in mass and individual trauma.
In 2019, 13% of adolescents reported having a major depressive episode. That was an increase of 60% in just over a decade. For people 10 to 24, suicide rates increased that same percentage in the same period of time. What is going on with our youth? Is it easily explained by social media and smart phones?
Dick’s guest is Dick’s guest is Jack Gieche, LPC and Clinical Director of Lifestance who has specializes in issues dealing with children, teens and families.
Depression is almost an epidemic. Nearly one in five Americans will experience at least one bout of depression in their lifetime. Are there ways people can help themselves? Can depression be managed without medication?
Healthy relationships are essential for good mental health. What are the components to healthy relationships and what’s the number one skill to building those relationships?
Impostor Syndrome (also known as Impostor Phenomenon) is the fear of not being the competent and capable person people believe you to be. How common is this phenomenon? Is there anything that can be done to lessen this fear?
Dick’s guest, Darald Hanusa, is Senior Lecturer Emeritus at the UW-Madison School of Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 40 years of counseling experience.
Do New Year resolutions work? Are they worth the bother? Is there a better way to get your life on track?
Dick’s guest, Patricia Clason, has been leading workshops for corporate clients and the State of Wisconsin for 30 years on how to get your life organized and actualized. She has written and conducted workshops on life management, time management and finding your life purpose.
Gratitude: It can make you happier, healthier and improve your relationships. Dr. Shilagh Mirgain, a psychologist from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, shares with us how to maintain a successful gratitude practice and how science demonstrates its benefits.
“Gratitude is one of the most significant, contributing factors to our happiness,” Dr. Mirgain said. “It is a simple and … free thing we can do.”
26% of Black men live in poverty. 1 in 5 will be incarcerated at some point in their lives. Black men also experience twice the unemployment rate as white men.
Dick’s guest, Corey Marrioneaux is Founder and President of Black Men Coalition of Dane County an agency in Madison, Wisconsin that helps primarily Black men with employment, housing, education and social support.
There are nearly 2 million people behind bars in the United States. There are also over 6 million family members of the incarcerated additionally affected, creating a huge impact that needs to be addressed.
Dick’s guest, Dr. Nneka Jones Tapia is a clinical psychologist and the former warden of the Cook County Jail in Chicago, Illinois. She is currently the Managing Director of Justice Initiatives for Chicago Beyond, an organization of community leaders helping to support at-risk youth in the Chicago area.
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Dick’s guest, Ed Wall was a long-serving police officer and former Director of the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Corrections. He shares his insights concerning the problems with our criminal justice system and what changes need to be made to fix them.
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Nearly 20% of all 911 calls involve a mentally disturbed person. In the past, all of these calls were responded to by police with little to no mental health training, sometimes ending in tragedy. Recently, there has been a push to create mental health emergency response teams to provide proper support for those in crisis.
What is bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression)? How common is it? Can it be cured, treated or controlled?
Dick’s guest is Tina Willits. She has a masters degree in social work and currently manages senior living communities and home healthcare for seniors. Tina was diagnosed with bipolar disorder after manic episodes in her teens/early twenties. She has made two documentaries about her experience living with bipolar disorder.
Other than price, what are the advantages for some of choosing junior college rather than a traditional four year college?
Dick’s guest, Turina Bakken, is the provost at Madison College. She has served as vice provost, associate vice president, dean, associate dean, program director and faculty member.
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The life expectancy for Americans has gone down due to deaths from drug use and overdoses, killing more people than suicide or accidents. What are the recent changes in drug use and treatment?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Michael Miller, a psychiatrist and past President and Board Chair of the American Society of Addiction Medicine as well as a current clinical instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Addiction Fellowship Program.
As baby boomers become seniors in large numbers, more therapists are trying to respond to their needs. What are these unique issues and how can therapists apply their knowledge and skills to help seniors?
Dick’s guest, Donna Swanson is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and has 27 years of experience specializing in seniors and their issues.
20% of patients who have been in the intensive care unit suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Why is that the case? Can improving protocols reduce that percentage?
Dick’s guest, Barbara Perkins, LCSW, has over 12 years experience working with patients in large hospitals both during their stays and in aftercare. She is also in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin.
Encore: Everyone has some shame. It can diminish our happiness. How do we understand and better deal with our own sense of shame?
Dick’s guest, Darald Hanusa, is Senior Lecturer Emeritus at the UW-Madison School of Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 40 years of counseling experience.
One out of four men in a committed relationship are physically or emotionally abusive. What are the roots for this abuse? How can men be treated to stop the cycle that may have started in their own childhood?
Dick’s guest, Darald Hanusa, is Senior Lecturer Emeritus at the UW-Madison School of Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 40 years of counseling experience.
11% of children in the United States are growing up in a household with an adult addict. These children are three times more likely to be addicts themselves as adults. How can children be protected from the negative consequences of living with an addict?
Dick’s guest is Jack Gieche, LPC who has specialized in issues dealing with addiction, children and families.
Approximately 20 million Americans struggle with alcohol or drug use disorder. What are the consequences of being the partner of an addict? What are the best strategies to help deal with a loved one’s addiction?
Dick’s guest is Jack Gieche, LPC who has specialized in issues dealing with addiction and families.
Encore: Do New Year resolutions work? Are they worth the bother? Is there a better way to get your life on track?
Dick’s guest, Patricia Clason, has been leading workshops for corporate clients and the State of Wisconsin for 30 years on how to get your life organized and actualized. She has written and conducted workshops on life management, time management and finding your life purpose.
Nearly 40% of Americans say they are lonely. Some blame the rise of the internet and social media yet is there a way to use this strategically to help lessen loneliness?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Michael Nuccitelli is a licensed psychologist who has volunteered his time and services to help victims of cyberbullying.
Jails are in transformation from holding pens to more humanitarian rehabilitative facilities. As Dane County in Wisconsin embarks on building a new jail, Sheriff Kalvin Barrett discusses with Dick what he sees as wrong with jails today and what they need to do to release safer and more productive inmates back into society.
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The pain of having a toxic parent doesn’t end when you grow up. What is a toxic parent? How can the adult child end or reduce the suffering a toxic parent can inflict?
Dick’s guest, Lesa Fischer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Madison, Wisconsin.
6.1 million felons are currently denied the right to vote. Some incarcerated, some on parole and others who have served their sentence. What are the pros and cons for granting felons the right to vote?
Dick’s guest, Ramiah Whiteside was incarcerated for 25 years. He is now Associate Director and Prison Relational Voter Program Inreach Coordinator for EXPO, a Wisconsin organization that advocates for justice reform.
40% of Americans admit to loneliness, even those in long term relationships. For some, that loneliness could be from a fear of intimacy. What are the reasons for this fear and what can be done to overcome it?
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Encore: 1 out of 11 Americans will suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetime. Does every trauma lead to PTSD? What treatments work best at reducing PTSD symptoms?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Chad Wetterneck, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and developed and oversees the PTSD partial hospital programs at Rogers Behavioral Health‘s West Allis, Brown Deer, Oconomowoc and Appleton locations.
Encore: What constitutes emotional abuse? What are the most common patterns of subtle emotional abuse? What is the healthy response for a victim of emotional abuse?
Dick’s guest is Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, a sociologist, teacher, trainer, author and psychotherapist. Her areas of clinical expertise include personality disorders, the treatment of trauma, crisis intervention, and suicide risk assessment.
Encore: Forgiveness is really for the benefit of the person injured. So many people suffer for many years from their anger at those who hurt them.
Dick’s guest, UW professor Dr. Robert Enright is the author of seven books on forgiveness and the founder and director of the International Forgiveness Institute, Inc.
ENCORE: Imagine having six incurable illnesses over 25 years that could each potentially end your life. Retired Professor of Business Ethics at Edgewood College Dr. Denis Collins joins Dick to discuss what he has learned through such an existence and how we can apply that ourselves.
What is the secret to happiness? Why are self love and high self esteem important to be truly happy? How can you improve your relationship with yourself?
According to the New York Times, Generation Z, born between 1997 and 2012, is in trouble. Even before COVID, rates of suicide and mental illness had climbed higher than previous generations. Is it a coincidence that Generation Z was born at the same time as the smart phone and the social media explosion?
Dick’s guest, Nicholette Leanza,is a Clinical Counselor with Lifestance Health who specializes in working with children and adolescents.
Impostor Syndrome (also known as Impostor Phenomenon) is the fear of not being the competent and capable person people believe you to be. How common is this phenomenon? Is there anything that be done to lessen this fear?
Dick’s guest, Darald Hanusa, is Senior Lecturer Emeritus at the UW-Madison School of Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 40 years of counseling experience.
Procrastination is defined as delaying something knowing there are negative consequences to not doing it right now. Why do people procrastinate? What are the fixes?
Between 5 to 7% of American adults live with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A surprising effect is their life expectancy is up to 8 1/2 years shorter. Learn the reasons behind this health risk and how to best manage this disorder.
Why do people attempt suicide? How many are successful? What can we learn from those who survive an attempt? Is our culture causing high suicide rates?
Dick’s guest, Jessica Williams is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Clinical Supervisor at The Center for Grief and Trauma Therapy. She developed a behavioral health screening protocol applicable to all patients aged 12 and up that screens out people who are suicidal.
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In honor of United Way of Dane County’s 100th anniversary, please enjoy this encore presentation on one of the most innovative of the 1,100 United Way agencies in the United States.
How do they decide what is the best use of the money they have? How do they get the community to work together to maximize effectiveness and help those most in need?
Imagine choosing to live with a partner who is charming and charismatic yet you find yourself in a toxic relationship. This can happen if your partner has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
Do New Year resolutions work? Are they worth the bother? Is there a better way to get your life on track?
Dick’s guest, Patricia Clason, has been leading workshops for corporate clients and the State of Wisconsin for 30 years on how to get your life organized and actualized. She has written and conducted workshops on life management, time management and finding your life purpose.
Most Americans spend close to 1/3 of their waking hours at their job. How many can say they have their dream job?
Dick’s guest, Elizabeth Schrimpf, MA, LPC, CCC, is a licensed counselor and nationally certified career counselor and is finishing a book on career happiness in an uncertain world.
Co-parenting after the end of a relationship can be a challenging proposition, yet it is possible to do so successfully by avoiding common mistakes.
Dick’s guest is Dr. Ken Waldron, a Clinical Psychologist with over 40 years experience working with divorced families. He is also Author of several books, including “The Co-Parenting Workbook.”
How far behind are kids of color in K through 12? What can be done to close the gap?
Dick’s guest is Renee Moe, President and CEO of the United Way of Dane County in Madison, Wisconsin. This particular branch innovated a process of inviting all the players to the same table to attack social problems. This process is now typical throughout all United Way agencies across the country.
Anger is an emotion experienced by almost everyone and can lead to big trouble. Are we better off eliminating anger from our emotional repertoire? How is that possible to do?
The quality of our relationships with family and close friends may be the biggest contributor to contentment but how important is the quality of social ties with people not part of the family and close friends group?
Dick’s guest is award-winning journalist Melinda Blau, who has written several books on the importance of quality relationships including “Consequential Strangers.”
What may the guilt-free criminal, the extreme narcissist and the functioning paranoid have in common?
Dick’s guests, Dr. Jim McGloin and social worker Lesa Fischer, both of whom have 50 years of combined experience treating personality disorders, provide an outline to understanding this category of mental illness.
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At 25, he committed a murder. At 28, he was on America’s Most Wanted. He was captured and served 25 years in prison. Now a year after his release, he is flourishing.
How can unconscious workplace bias affect decision making with employers and coworkers? Is there a way to make ourselves less biased or unbiased?
Dick’s guest is Deborah Vaughn Biddle, founder of High Performance Development Solutions LLC and is also a diversity and inclusion corporate consultant.
How common is Autism Spectrum Disorder? How is it viewed and treated differently than in the past?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Sarah Lechago, who is an Assistant Professor in the General Psychology and Behavior Analysis masters’ programs at the University of Houston-Clear Lake and is also developing a Language Developmental Clinic that will be affiliated with UHCLO’S Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities (CADD).
Who are the patients that are treated in psychiatric units? How do they get there? How are they served?
Dick’s guests are Dr. Matthew Sager, Psychiatrist and Medical Director and Christina Mignon, Nurse Manager of the Inpatient Adult Behavioral Health Unit at SSM Health St. Mary’s Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.
Why do people procrastinate when it is so counterproductive? Dick’s guest, Eric M. Twiggs, author of The Discipline of Now, helps us understand why we do it and teaches us how to stop it.
What are the current immigration laws and policies? How can these help us evaluate the “wisdom” of suggested changes?
Dick’s guest, Shabnam Lofti, is the head of a law firm specializing in immigration law. Her firm serves clients throughout the Unites States and around the world.
Presently, there are 1.4 million gang members in America. What’s the draw of being in a gang? What is it like inside? Why the recent increase in gang members?
Dick’s guests are retired Detective George Chavez who served 14 years as Madison, Wisconsin’s only gang detective and Officer Lester Moore who has 10 years of experience with gangs.
The dark web is a “secret” area of the internet where illicit and criminal activity flourish. It is not accessible by a Google search. How does it work? Who is using it? What is on it?
Dick’s guests are retired detectives George Chavez and Cindy Murphy who specialized in digital forensics for the Madison Police Department in Madison, Wisconsin.
Psychiatrists used to be the top of the pack of psychotherapists. Now their role is mainly prescribing and monitoring drugs for mental health issues. Why has this happened and is this a good development?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Arjune Rama, a University of Wisconsin-Madison Clinical Professor and staff Psychiatrist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Mental Health Services.
Domestic abuse affects all classes, races and genders. An expert and a survivor of domestic abuse share their experiences and insights on this subject.
Dick’s guests are Faye Zemel, Director of Prevention and Community Programs for Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS) and Keena Atkinson, a survivor of domestic abuse.
The pain of having a toxic parent doesn’t end when you grow up. What is a toxic parent? How can the adult child end or reduce the suffering a toxic parent can inflict?
Dick’s guest, Lesa Fischer is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Madison, Wisconsin.
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How is being a police officer different than how it is portrayed on television and in films? How is it similar?
Dick’s guests, Retired Detective George Chavez and Retired Officer Jean Papalia, have a combined 58 years of experience as police officers in Madison, Wisconsin.
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Why do people choose such a troubled partner? How can they cope with the challenges in relationships with a partner who has a personality disorder? When is it best to get out?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Jim McGloin, has over 30 years of experience in couples counseling.
Over 42,000 Americans commit suicide annually. What can the layman do to reduce the chances of some troubled person in their life committing suicide?
Dick’s guest, Jean Papalia has spent the last nine years teaching the suicide prevention program Q.P.R. (Question. Persuade. Refer.) and serves on the Safe Community Suicide Prevention Task Force in Madison, Wisconsin.
Society avoids discussing or even recognizing that seniors have sex. What are the issues for seniors and why does our society avoid acknowledging their sexuality?
Dick’s guest is Melanie Ramie, JD, MSW and CEO of The Hope of Wisconsin.
Thoughtfully reviewing the highs, lows, turning points and critical decisions of your life can lead to more self awareness and help shape a better future.
Dick’s guest is Reverend Karen Gustafson who served for 30 years as a Universalist Unitarian Minister and now has established Life Review, a self renewal ministry.
How do corporations reduce or eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace?
For 10 years, Dick’s guest, labor and employment attorney Elizabeth Erickson has both taught corporations how to steer clear of these offenses and, when necessary, defended them against charges of workplace sexual harassment.
Are rich people happier than the rest of us? How much does financial success have to do with contentment? Can money make you unhappy?
Dick’s guest is Patricia Clason, an author, lecturer and Director of The Center for Creative Learning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Over 5,000 people have taken her workshops in personal growth and development.
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Being a Democratic legislator in a Republican dominated landscape is stressful and challenging.
Dick’s guest, State Representative Chris Taylor (D-WI), reveals how she uses spirituality and deep seated inner values to reduce frustration and be more effective at what she does.
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Nearly 1/3 of Americans suffer from chronic pain. Most turn to pain medications, which can lead to unpleasant side effects and/or addiction. Strategies using your mind can be very effective at reducing the suffering that accompanies chronic pain.
Dick’s guest is Dr. Tamar Kelson, Senior Psychologist at University Health Services at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Comments Off on How United Way Impacts Communities
One of the most innovative of the 1,100 United Way agencies is in Madison, Wisconsin. How do they decide what is the best use of the money they have? How do they get the community to work together to maximize effectiveness and help those most in need?
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Premarital counseling is often required by the clergy who will soon perform the ceremony. However, couples in premarital counseling by licensed therapists is growing. What questions are raised in professional premarital counseling? What are the red flags that suggest caution?
Dick’s guest is Linda Lewis Griffith, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and the author of two books and numerous articles in the field of marriage and family therapy.
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When is it just being well-organized and when does it become dysfunctional and needs to be treated? What are the best treatment approaches for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? How successful are they at treating OCD?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Chad Wetterneck, is a licensed clinical psychologist at Rogers Behavioral Health and has published over 60 professional journal articles, including many on the nature and treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Approximately 10% of marriages are between people 11 years or more apart in age. What are the unique problems as well as the benefits of May December marriage?
Dick’s guest, Linda Lewis Griffith is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and is the author of two books and numerous articles in the field of marriage and family therapy.
The mentally ill without resources need help. Community mental health centers serve this population. The majority suffer from drug addiction and severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder.
Dick’s guest, Lynn Brady President and CEO of Journey Mental Health Center, explores current treatments for those who are the most in need.
How you choose your mate may be as important as what you do once you’re married to make a successful marriage. How do you choose the right mate? What can you do to make marriage richer and more fulfilling?
Dick’s guests are Dr. Jim McGloin and Licensed Clinical Social Worker Lesa Fischer, who have 50 years of combined experience in counseling couples.
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1 out of 11 Americans will suffer from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in their lifetime. Does every trauma lead to PTSD? What treatments work best at reducing PTSD symptoms?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Chad Wetterneck, a licensed clinical psychologist who specializes in using cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and developed and oversees the PTSD partial hospital programs at Rogers Behavioral Health‘s West Allis, Brown Deer, Oconomowoc and Appleton locations.
In explaining how he helps couples, Dick Goldberg, LCSW and host of Insights, shares some of his methods in couples counseling that can help get past anger and move to “companionate” love.
Boundary and ethical dilemmas frequently arise during therapy. Is friendship or sex ever permissible when therapy ends? What should therapists do if they or their clients develop strong attractions during therapy? What if you have common friends, serve on the same committees or your clients want to barter for services?
Dick’s guest, Dr. Frances Patterson, has over 25 years of treating clients and also 20 years conducting seminars that explore ethical dilemmas in the therapeutic relationship.
Stalking is a serious problem that can lead to violence and even murder. Why do stalkers stalk? What do the victims need to know about stalking that could save their lives?
What constitutes emotional abuse? What are the most common patterns of subtle emotional abuse? What is the healthy response for a victim of emotional abuse?
Dick’s guest is Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, a sociologist, teacher, trainer, author and psychotherapist. Her areas of clinical expertise include personality disorders, the treatment of trauma, crisis intervention, and suicide risk assessment.
Two successful people share their lessons from having been successful to hitting rock bottom both personally and professionally and then coming back to flourish.
Can you do anything to prevent dementia? Are there effective treatments once you are afflicted?
Dick’s guest is Dr. Ken Robbins, head of Psychiatric Gerontology at Stoughton Hospital as well as Adjunct Professor of Geriatric Psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It happens more often than expected. Why does it happen? How often is it actually physical vs. emotional abuse?
Dick’s guest is Amber Ault, Ph.D., MSW, a sociologist, teacher, trainer, author and psychotherapist. Her areas of clinical expertise include personality disorders, the treatment of trauma, crisis intervention, and suicide risk assessment.
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Does Trump’s behavior fit the pattern of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)? When does the self-centered, self-absorbed person qualify as a clinically defined narcissistic personality? Can a narcissist be “cured”? How do you live with one? Can psychotherapy actually change a narcissist into a caring and compassionate person?
Dick’s guests, Dr. Jim McGloin and Lesa Fischer, have 50 years combined experience in working with personality disordered patients, including those with narcissistic personality disorder.
In some states, people who commit non-criminal parole violations return to prison in the same numbers as new criminal offenders. Why does this happen? Is it just? What changes are needed?
Dick’s guest is Cecelia Klingele, a law professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her numerous articles and areas of research focus on criminal justice administration and community supervision of those on conditional release, such as probation, parole or extended release.
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What is life like for the over 11,000,000 undocumented immigrants living in the United States who face deportation? How do they cope?
Dick’s guests are Laura Minero, a Ph.D. candidate who came to this country at the age of five and is undocumented but has Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status and Dr. Karen Menendez Coller, Executive Director of Centro Hispano in Madison, Wisconsin.
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Two funeral directors share how their work can be healing for their clientele, how this work can affect even the most seasoned funeral directors and from their perspective, what everyone would benefit knowing about funerals before their time comes.
Being fat in America is not easy. It is one of the few remaining categories of people who can be openly mocked and ridiculed, and there is an assumption that people who are overweight are at best unhealthy and at worst, gluttonous people who refuse to take care of themselves while burdening society.
In this podcast,Pastor Julie Brock, interim Unitarian minister in Brighton, Michigan shares her knowledge and life experience as a “fat” person living in America.
Pastor Brock begins the discussion by describing the what it means to be “fat”:
“George Carlin…talks about using the word fat and how it’s just a description of people…’heavy is a euphemism. Aircraft carriers are heavy but they are not fat.’ Fat is a description of a body type and unless you put a negative judgement on it it’s not a negative thing. It’s like saying ‘you wear glasses’ ‘you are male’. It’s just a fact about a person…I love describing myself as fat because that’s how my body looks.”
Pastor Brock continues to tackle some of the most common questions about being fat in America:
What are the day to day experiences as walking through life as a fat person?
What do you say to people who think you have no self control?
How does the fat person in America feel self worth in a society that judges them so harshly?
Can a fat person be healthy?
During the discussion, Pastor Brock addresses how we can view fat Americans differently and how fat Americans can better manage the harsh judgement they receive.
Pastor Julie Brock, interim Unitarian minister in Brighton, Michigan shares her knowledge and life experience.
To view Pastor Brock’s sermon on being fat, click here.
Why is the rate of suicide, addiction and depression among lawyers many times the societal norm?
Dick’s guests are Ralph Cagle, former president of the Wisconsin Bar Association and former UW-Madison law professor and Dr. Gregory Van Rybroek, psychologist, lawyer and Director of Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, Wisconsin
For all of us, we feel loved by one of five love languages. Knowing which one you and your partner respond to is critical to a successful relationship.
Dick’s guest is Susan Young, author, lecturer and motivational speaker.
Being likeable can be learned and is not very complicated. Learn the 10 simple secrets of being liked by almost everyone.
Amber Ault, clinical sociologist, author of The Five Step Exit and previous guest of Insights with Dick Goldberg, interviews Dick, therapist, author, lecturer and regular host of Insights, as he shares the secrets of how to be likeable taken from his published article and workshops.